Story by Tomas DURICA

A decade of adventures

I've been with Dworkin for ten years, maybe longer. The exact number of years doesn’t really matter.

One day I responded to a temporary job ad. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was working in the Netherlands at the time so I sent in my CV. I didn’t hold my breath but Martin got back to me. And so started my 10 year journey with the company.

As is customary in Dworkin, Martin got me involved immediately. I guess he wanted to see if I was as good as my CV and how I got on with customers. Of course I wasn't alone. Anyway, we were somewhere in Poland or Lithuania. One of Dworkin’s clients was having some issues and their IT team was struggling to resolve them. We were asked to go in and help out. I solved the problem within an hour. Miracle? I like to call it good engineering with a bit of luck :) And needless to say the client was happy.

I have traveled all over Europe since then working on a lot of acquisition projects for one of our major clients, Regus.

Variety is the spice of life

I'm not an office type. I couldn’t bear being shut in the same place day in day out. I tried it before. I was working for a big Telco company sitting in an open plan area with a bunch of other people. Our job seemed to consist of me sending an email to the colleague sitting next to me, who then forwarded it to a colleague sitting next to them and so on. I couldn't stand it. It was so impersonal and as you could only see a tiny piece of the whole project, you had no idea how big the project was and what it was all about. It was really frustrating..

Today I enjoy my independence. I am responsible for the project from start to finish, I have the opportunity to influence it, introduce my own ideas.

But having experience of corporates is sometimes useful especially when we are negotiating with ISPs to connect new offices. Knowing how they work and where things can get stuck due to internal processes is really useful as it means I can better prepare for it and work around it.

We’ve got internal bureaucracy on the run

Fortunately, in Dworkin we are not bound by complicated, unnecessary processes. We are still able make the call and solve issues on our own. Whether it’s buying a plane ticket or a piece of kit that we need to finish a project.

Dworkin is a well organised, streamlined machine; perhaps because we started small and grew bigger gradually. Processes are only set up when they’re really needed, they are not there to keep someone in a job. It’s more as if it’s someone’s job to keep internal processes down to a minimum!

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